Monday, April 4, 2011

A few notes from the April 2011 bulliten.......


Mother’s Day Tea on Saturday, April 30 12 noon—2pm
Invite a mom, friend, daughter, neighbor, grandmother, aunt, etc. & come and enjoy our Mother’s Day afternoon tea. celebration

Women’s S.A.L.T. Ministry (serving and loving together) Ministry and Event Surveys
Thank you to all women and young ladies who completed their surveys. This helps to group you by interest and gifting to assist in ministry and other events. The lists are located in the foyer as are the surveys should you need to complete one. Please check the lists that are posted in case any corrections are to be made before the final copies are printed. These lists will be used by ministry
groups to schedule and use the help as needed. Ministry groups will set dates for events at our next women’s meeting in May. Thank you!

The Magdalena Through Her Eyes Event held on March 11 was a great success!
We had 45 women in attendance, many of them invited guests. Also, our speakers for the night were awesome; each story was inspiring and touched our hearts. The ending song, Alabaster Box sung by Naomi Eddens culminated the
evening in a warm, powerful spirit of love for Jesus Christ! We have copies of the follow-up bible study to be done individually or in a small group if any woman is interested. The DVD is also available for check out if you desire to do a home showing. Please request one from Martha

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