Friday, July 15, 2011

Help Need for this Sunday's Dinner....

Dear Sisters @ LHC,

I need some help if at all possible. We are supposed to be hosting a dinner for sale after church this Sunday, July 17th, and I messed up. With all the stuff going on with my parents, I forgot to get on the ball and plan something. I know this is last minute, but if you can assist in anyway, I would deeply appreciate it!!!

We are going to sell green chili burritos, rice and beans, and a drink. The following items are still needed. I have talked to some sisters already. Some can help and some can't at this time. If you are not able to help, that is okay...we will catch you at another time. If there is a name by the item, it's covered. Please contact me at (480) 430-8154 to confirm what you can bring.

I am sorry for dropping the ball, and will do better in the future...I promise!! :-)

Green chili----Jen J
Beans-----Kathy J
Tortillas (5 doz)----Linda F.

Clean up---?

Thank you so much, in advance, for all of your help! When calling my cell phone, if by chance I don't pick up, please leave me a message with your number and I will call you back a.s.a.p.

God Bless You All,

Sis Linda French

Hebrews 6:10 For God is not unrighteous to forget your work and labor of love, which ye have shewed toward his name, in that ye have ministered to the saints, and do minister.

Friday, May 6, 2011

May 2011 newsletter highlights.....

Thank you Sister Linda for setting up the Women's Sping tea. Many were missed that were unable to attend. Hope to see you at the next gathering! 

We have a few things going on for the month of May and we hope that you will put some time aside to join us!

First, Ida Redbird Elementary School has requested that we help them with bottles, or tubes of sunscreen. These can be quite expensive so make sure to use coupons or check the dollar store. We need these before Friday, May 20th.

Second, we were given a generous donation of children's items to donate to the Redbird Parent Center or any other need.  These items need to be cleaned before sending them off so Sis. Martha will be needing women to help with that on an evening this month, day and time has not been scheduled yet so just keep that in mind.

Third, The kids will be having a bake sale on Sunday, May 15th after service. Please help your children bake some goodies and bring them nicley wrapped.  This will benefit the Soles for School fundraising effort. Please sign up with Tawnya Mayer.

Fourth, Moms on a Mission - Calling all mom's (moms to be-empty nests) to our first park walk and fellowship.  Tuesday, May 17th 7-8:30 @ Freestone Park, Lindsey Rd., between Guadalupe & Elliot Rd.  Meet in main parking lot. Bring strollers, play gear for kids and lots of energy. BYO water & snacks. Pick up your monthly Moms on a Mission newsletter in the church foyer.

and finally, we will have a brief women's ministry meeting Sunday, May 22 after service in the spanish mnistry room - There will be a door prize!! 

Wising you all a blesses Mother's Day!

Monday, April 4, 2011

A few notes from the April 2011 bulliten.......


Mother’s Day Tea on Saturday, April 30 12 noon—2pm
Invite a mom, friend, daughter, neighbor, grandmother, aunt, etc. & come and enjoy our Mother’s Day afternoon tea. celebration

Women’s S.A.L.T. Ministry (serving and loving together) Ministry and Event Surveys
Thank you to all women and young ladies who completed their surveys. This helps to group you by interest and gifting to assist in ministry and other events. The lists are located in the foyer as are the surveys should you need to complete one. Please check the lists that are posted in case any corrections are to be made before the final copies are printed. These lists will be used by ministry
groups to schedule and use the help as needed. Ministry groups will set dates for events at our next women’s meeting in May. Thank you!

The Magdalena Through Her Eyes Event held on March 11 was a great success!
We had 45 women in attendance, many of them invited guests. Also, our speakers for the night were awesome; each story was inspiring and touched our hearts. The ending song, Alabaster Box sung by Naomi Eddens culminated the
evening in a warm, powerful spirit of love for Jesus Christ! We have copies of the follow-up bible study to be done individually or in a small group if any woman is interested. The DVD is also available for check out if you desire to do a home showing. Please request one from Martha