Friday, May 6, 2011

May 2011 newsletter highlights.....

Thank you Sister Linda for setting up the Women's Sping tea. Many were missed that were unable to attend. Hope to see you at the next gathering! 

We have a few things going on for the month of May and we hope that you will put some time aside to join us!

First, Ida Redbird Elementary School has requested that we help them with bottles, or tubes of sunscreen. These can be quite expensive so make sure to use coupons or check the dollar store. We need these before Friday, May 20th.

Second, we were given a generous donation of children's items to donate to the Redbird Parent Center or any other need.  These items need to be cleaned before sending them off so Sis. Martha will be needing women to help with that on an evening this month, day and time has not been scheduled yet so just keep that in mind.

Third, The kids will be having a bake sale on Sunday, May 15th after service. Please help your children bake some goodies and bring them nicley wrapped.  This will benefit the Soles for School fundraising effort. Please sign up with Tawnya Mayer.

Fourth, Moms on a Mission - Calling all mom's (moms to be-empty nests) to our first park walk and fellowship.  Tuesday, May 17th 7-8:30 @ Freestone Park, Lindsey Rd., between Guadalupe & Elliot Rd.  Meet in main parking lot. Bring strollers, play gear for kids and lots of energy. BYO water & snacks. Pick up your monthly Moms on a Mission newsletter in the church foyer.

and finally, we will have a brief women's ministry meeting Sunday, May 22 after service in the spanish mnistry room - There will be a door prize!! 

Wising you all a blesses Mother's Day!